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32 New Street, Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Voice :       (868) 625-9431       Hotlines : (868) 637-0924, (868) 668-5133

Fax :          (868) 623-0193       Email : mavaw@usa.net























































Last update :
October 13, 1999











































Historical Review of MAVAW's Activities
Over the period February 1994 to late July 1999, MAVAW has recorded 381 outreach activities/efforts, spanning the full spectrum of social activism. Examples include:

Delivered presentation of the RIPPLE EFFECT THEORY (RET) on Crime at the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce "National Consultation on Crime" held at the Queen's Hall.

Attended a 10 day Training Course, hosted by the Ministry of Social Development on the topic, "Preparing NGOs to Assist in the Social Service Delivery System".

Sat on a Committee to support Senator Diana Mahabir-Wyatt's presentation to the Senate on the Unremunerated Work Bill.

Attendance at rallies, processions, seminars and exhibitions, disseminating literature aimed at correcting Behaviour Skill and Belief System Deficits. This has continued consistently to the present.


Presentation of a 3-Line Paper on Domestic Violence at the University of the West Indies, promoting the concept of "Full Cycle Human Resource Management".

Holistic support to then Member of Parliament for Chaguanas, Hulsie Bhaggan, for one (1) year, who alleged that psychological violence was being perpetrated against her.


Review and recommendation submitted to the Ministry of Housing and Settlements, on our Country's Report to the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.

Delivered presentation titled "Domestic Violence and the Men's Movement" to a lunchtime seminar at the Centre for Gender and Development Studies, at the St. Augustine Campus of the University of the West Indies.

Initiation of the First "Male Awareness Week" in December in collaboration with the then Ministry of Community Development, Culture and Women's Affairs.


Sat on a Cabinet Appointed Ad Hoc Committee, to review the 1991 Domestic Violence Act and make recommendations to correct some of the difficulties that were being experienced by the persons using it.

Attended a 3-Day Conference in Barbados, on the topic, "Gender, Families and Sexual Health : A Spotlight on Males" hosted by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

Delivered presentation titled "Masculinity Construction : A Critique and Experiential Perspective" to a Workshop at the Holiday Inn, Port of Spain  themed "Domestic Violence : A Focus on Male Perpetrators".

First ever Fathers' Week Week Celebrations held in June, with cohost, Power 102 FM.

Participant in UNIFEM (Latin America and Caribbean) Campaign Against Violence Against Women from November 25, 1997 to December 10, 1998.


Attended World Bank's 2-Day Working Forum on Youth Development at the Crew's Inn, Chaguaramas.

Attended IAPCRO 27th Annual Training Conference at the Trinidad Hilton themed "Embracing the Youth Through Community Policing" and delivered a presentation entitled "The Game of Violence and the Youth Psyche"

Delivered a presentation titled "Violence in Relationships : Strategies for Prevention" to the Sixth Form students of Tranquillity Government Secondary School.

Attended a 3-Day "Training and Sensitization in Gender and Development" Workshop at Cascadia Hotel, St. Ann's hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Ministry of Culture and Gender Affairs.

Co-hosted, with the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at UWI (St. Augustine), a Panel Discussion, "Men and the New Gender Relations" during the 3rd Annual Male Awareness Week.

2nd Annual "Fathers Week" celebrations culminating with a Fathers Fiesta Exhibition on the Brian Lara Promenade, co-hosted with with newly formed Fathers Who Care non-governmental organisation.


Promotion of the first ever "Gender Sensitive Calypso Competition", in order to introduce a new challenge to our local artistes, taking advantage of Trinidad and Tobago's Carnival season.

Involved in planning the printing and distribution of a 65-page Domestic Violence Awareness Handbook".

Attended the Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago's 4-Day Induction (Basic Counselling) Training Programme, dealing with issues of Sexual and Domestic Abuse.

Prepared article for a Newsletter of the Women and Development Studies Group titled "A Man's View of Violence Against Women".

Planning a 1-Year Gender Sensitization Project with the Women and Development Studies Group at the University of the West Indies, titled "Man to Man : A Training the Trainers Project" scheduled to commence in October 1999 and end in November 2000, with the production of a Manual to continue the process of focus on "Reaching the Man Inside".


Copyright (c) 1999  Men Against Violence Against Women
All rights reserved

32 New Street, Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Voice : (868) 625-9431
Hotlines : (868) 637-0924, (868) 668-5133
Fax : (868) 623-0193
Email  : mavaw@usa.net

Website developed by Tracy F. Hackshaw and anansi web works
email : anansiweb@usa.net